What You Need To Know About SEO - The Newbie Short Guide
You can always hear people complaining about how hard SEO is - but it really isn't. This is not a get rich scheme of any kind, and in fact it is just the opposite when you use the right methods.
So when it comes down to increasing your rankings and making your site successful with the search engines, having a strong purpose is important. If you are just getting started, then you have some pretty basic questions in mind, we are guessing. Many people read something and promptly forget about it, and that is one thing you must avoid at all costs.
You cannot have Flash on your site, or should not, if you want to rank very highly as it is a definite no-no. Yes, it's a fact that Flash adds the 'coolness' factor to your site, but it also makes your SEO for a toss. You may have great content on a page with Flash, and that page content could never be noticed because the search engines cannot get past the Flash. If you really do want to use Flash, then have an alternative HTML page as well.
The best way to get moving in the rankings is by seeking quality links for backlinking. The whole issue and question of backlinks is too much to talk about in depth; so we will just say to find out how to get the best ones. You may have a hard time getting authority sites to backlink to you, but there are ways to get high PR links. You know the importance of backlinking because that is how you will be ranked in Google.
Any kind of site you have should have a sitemap if you are trying to rank in the search engines because they want to see it as it is helpful. You do want you pages to be in the right categories in the engines, and that is what the sitemap is really for. If you have a blog, just get the plugin that will take care of it and it is done in the background. Chances are that without a sitemap, your site won't even get indexed! This is one of those things that cannot be overlooked, ever.
Finding long term success with SEO is all about taking the right step at the right time. You might have the best product in the market or the most sophisticated web design; if your SEO sucks, then you miss on big traffic.
We hope you found these suggestions to be positive and helpful, and they are accurate by the way. You will get consistent results from your SEO efforts when you're putting in consistent action which is why you must start with the basics, and perfect them first. So when you are doing what needs to be done, then it will become second nature to you.
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